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Thursday, October 4, 2012


HANDOUT “The masque of the red death”


I.                    Mark whether these sentences are right or wrong.

1.       B

2.       B

3.       D and E

4.       A

5.       B

6.       C

7.       C

8.       C

9.       A, D and E

10.   C

11.   C

12.   B

13.   A

14.   A


II.                  Complete the sentence in column A with the final idea in column B.



III.                Answer the following questions.

1.-What is “the red death”?

The red death is a lethal disease.

2.-What happened when a person got “the red death”?

The person started to bleed, had terrible pains and died in thirty minutes.

3.- Who was not afraid of the Red Death?

The fearless Prince Prospero.

4.- Who does Prince Prospero invite to his castle?

He invites a thousand of his brave friends.

5.- Why could nobody enter or escape from the castle?

Because Prince Prospero locked the gates and threw away the keys.

6.- What were the colors of the seven rooms in the castle?

The first room was blue, the second purple, the third was green, the fourth orange, the fifth white, the sixth violet and the seventh black, with red windows.

7.- What was against the wall in the last room?

There was a large black clock.

8.- What do people notice while the clock is chiming midnight?

They notice a stranger with a mask who has not been there before.

9.- What was the stranger wearing?

The stranger was wearing white clothes of the dead and a red mask.

10.- How does the prince feel when he sees the stranger?

He feels fear at first and then angry.

11.- Why didn’t anyone want to touch the stranger?

Because they were too frightened.

12.- What happens when the stranger turns and looks at the prince?

Prince Prospero dies.

13.- What was inside the stranger’s clothes and mask?

There wasn’t anything.

14.- What was left in the castle when the clock stopped chiming?

The only thing left was darkness and the red death.


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