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Monday, June 20, 2011

Pre Test Sophomores

Objectives: Use vocabulary from text “It was really terrifying”.

Use Conditional clauses “0”, “1” and “2” for suppositions.


I. Match the words in “A” with their corresponding meaning in “B”.


1. Teenagers ____ Incredible.

2. Lessons ____ People between 12 and 18 years old.

3. Software ____ Personal and portable computer.

4. (to) draw ____ The web connection.

5. Chat ____ Classes.

6. Boring ____ Something of your property.

7. Quick ____ Computer program.

8. Laptop ____ Not funny.

9. Net ____ Lots of

10. Amazing ____ Fast.

11. Own ____ Conversation.

12. “loads of” ____ Create figures of images manually or digitally.

II. Complete the following sentences using:

“0” Conditional Clause

1. If you don’t take a shower…___________________________________________________

2. If you exercise everyday…____________________________________________________

3. You feel sick if…____________________________________________________________

“1” Conditional Clause

4. If it’s hot tomorrow…________________________________________________________

5. If I don’t do my homework…___________________________________________________

6. I will visit a doctor If…________________________________________________________

“2” Conditional Clause

7. If I had $1.000.000 dollars I…___________________________________________________

8. I would travel everywhere If…____________________________________________________

9. If I was President of Chile…_____________________________________________________


Roxana Hayde Areyuna said...

pofresor le falto publicar el pretest de freshman class

Roxana Hayde Areyuna said...

profesor :S le falta el pre test de freshman class

Atte: Felipe gutierrez Areyuna su alumno preferido (A) (YN)