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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Final Oral Exam

General Questions

1. What are your weaknesses and your strengths?
2. What specialty do you want to follow? Why?
3. What qualifications do you have that make you feel you
Are right for this specialty?
4. Can you study under pressure or deadlines?
5. How do you feel about studying extra hour?
6. Do you see yourself as an employer or employee?
7. How are your grades so far?
8. What do you want to do after finishing high school?
9. Are you a self-motivated person?
10. What do you think study here is important?
11. How do you work better: in groups or alone? Why?
12. Do you plan to continue your education?
13. Where do you see yourself in five years from now?
14. Are you interested in studying: Administration/Accountancy/Secretary/Electronics/Metallurgy?
15. Would you like to travel to a country outside South America?
If yes, Where?
16. Why do you attend Colegio Inglés? Was it your decision?
17. What did you and your parents do last weekend?
18. How long do you stay at school?
19. Do you have a good friend, why did you become friends? How
long have you been friends?
20. How do you feel about classical music?
21. Which sports do you like watching?
22. Do you have any plans for the future?
23. It’s your dream day: What do you want to do?
24. Do you enjoy your holidays? Why?
25. What do you think of your work?
26. When did you start your studies in this school?
27. Describe Iquique. (weather, people, food, way of life, houses, famous buildings, landmarks, etc)
28. Are you an independent person?
29. What are your likes and dislikes?
30. What can you do in your free time?
31. Are you an independent person?
32. Who do you live with?
33. How often do you go to discos?
34. Describe a good student.
35. Describe a good worker.
36. Describe yourself psychologically.
37. What do you like doing in your spare time?
38. What do you and your family like to do in your spare time?
39. What do you have in common with your best friend?
40. Talk about your daily routine.
41. Where does your father, mother work?

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