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Thursday, September 27, 2012


I. Name and describe


II. Right or wrong?

1.____ Charlie Babbitt sold luxury houses.

2.____ Mr. John Money told Charlie about his father’s death.

3.____ Sandy Babbitt was Charlie’s father.

4.____ Charlie had a picture of Raymond and himself.

5.____ Sanford Babbit sent Raymond to Wallbrook when Charlie was 2 years old.

6.____ Dr.  Martson wants the custody of Raymond

7.____ Raymond doesn’t like flying.

8.____ Raymond eats pizza with toothpicks.

9.____ Charlie makes Raymond get on a plane and fly on it.

10.____ Charlie drives to Los Angeles.

III. Who said this?

1.“Raymond is your brother” _____________

2.I’m leaving you Charlie” _____________

3.I’m an excellent driver” ____________

4.I’m sorry Charles, I’m your father’s lawyer” ______________

5.“Ray we are going to stay in the best room in the hotel here.” ________________

IV. Put the events in the correct order.

a)Dr. Marston examines Raymond ____

b)Susanna leaves Charlie _____

c)Charlie and Raymond go to the casino ____

d)Raymond remembers Sally Dibbsphone number _____

e)Raymond doesn’t want to fly ______

f)Charlie gets a phone call in his car ______

g)John Mooney reads the will _____
V. Questions
1.Which are the characters in order of importance?
2.         What’s the name of Charlie’s father?
3.         How Charlie’s business going? Why?
4.         What did Charlie get from his father?
5.         What was Charlie’s secret friend’s name?
6.         Where does Charlie’s brother live?
7.         What is his problem?
8.         Why does Susana leave?
9.         What ability does Raymond have?
10.What happened at the restaurant with the toothpicks?
11.What happened at the airport?
12.What happened when Charlie turned on the water?
13.What did they do in Las Vegas?
14.How did Raymond “play” at the casino?
15.Who did Raymond dance with?
16.Who did Raymond stay with at the end?

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