1. To appreciate the cultural elements present in our region through field observation.
2. To collect information related to the geographical area through observation.
Classes attending: Freshman Classes A, B, C, D, E and F.
Date: September 24th and 25th, 2009.
Instructions: Observe and collect information about:
a) Gigante de Atacama. (Unitas’ hill)
b) Geoglyphs of Pintados.
c) Guided tour through “Conaf Reservation Park”. (Pampa del Tamarugal)
d) Town of Pachica.
• The students will form groups of 3 people; exceptions will be considered in each class with the teacher. Each member of the group will be responsible for collecting his own information.
• The students will be observed on the field by teacher Luis Lema.
• The students will keep an excellent behavior before, during and after the field trip.
From all of these places, get the following aspects to be reported:
a) Location.
b) Flora.
c) Fauna.
d) Weather.
e) Landscape description.
Do not forget that every aspect must be presented and explained through at least 2 photographs.
1. The students will create a 6 minute minimum oral presentation with the collected information. (Preparation in classes on October 13th, 14th and 15th)
2. The presentation must include all aspects mentioned before.
3. Each aspect must have a minimum of 2 slides (photographs) on a POWERPOINT presentation that has to be recorded on a CD and handed in by October 15th.
4. The presentations start on October 19th. All the group members present.
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