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Friday, October 8, 2010

Pre Test Sophomore Classes

Use determiners in context.

I.- Put in something, someone, somewhere or anything, anyone, anywhere into the gaps. (5 points)

1. I’s dark, I can’t see anything.
2. John lives somewhere near New York.
3. I know someone here who can help us.
4. I can’t find my keys anywhere.
5. I want something to read.

Apply the correct modal verb (mustn’t/don’t have to) according to the context.

III.- Use “must”, “mustn’t” or “don’t have to”. (10 points)

1. You mustn'tlet the cats sleep on my clean shirts. Look! They are covered in hairs.
2. You don't have to have lunch with my parents. I’m not forcing you.
3. I mustn't forget to call Granny. It’s her birthday tomorrow.
4. You mustn't drink alcohol if you are underage.
5. We don't have to play football. We can play basketball instead.
6. You mustn't drive so aggressively. You’ll end up killing someone.
7. Helen mustn't make racist comments. It makes her seem really ignorant.
8. David doesn't have to answer your e mails. There’s no law about it.
9. It’s OK. You don't have to pay now. You can pay me at the end of the month.
10. You mustn't stay out so late without ringing me. I was very worried.


Apply the structure “used to” for recurrent past events not performed in the present, in contrast with current activities nowadays.

VI. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the present simple or “used to”. (10 points)

1. She I used to travel(travel) a lot, but she doesn't go(not/go) away much these days.
2. I used to have (have) a dog, now I live(live) on an apartment.
3. I used to think (think) you were a bad person, but now I don't find you(not/find) rude at all.
4. He didn't use to smoke(not/smoke) before, now he needs(need) a package a day.
5. School didn't use to be (not/be) so difficult in Primary. Now, it is (be) really hard!

Use vocabulary and expressions from texts: “Pop music in Britain and the USA” and “Medicine in the past-Treating headaches”.

IV. Match the word with its corresponding meaning. (10 points)

1. Afford __4__ Spectacular, unbelievable.
2. Brief __3__ United Kingdom.
3. UK __7__ Medicine taken orally.
4. Amazing __2__ Something short.
5. Headache __6__ Achieving a goal.
6. Successful __8__ Intense hurting feeling.
7. Tablet __9__ Empty space.
8. Pain __5__ Pain on the head.
9. Hole __10__ Very big.
10. Huge __1__ Being able to pay for something.
11. Piercing __15__ Blood sucking creature.
12. Health __16__ Shiny.
13. Haircut __13__ Style of someone’s hair.
14. Developed world __18__ Putting things together.
15. Leech __17__ Medical care to a patient.
16. Brightly __11__ Metal ornament placed on different parts of the human body.
17. Treatment __12__ The physical or mental condition of someone.
18. Tie __14__ Advanced country, economically and technologically speaking.

V. Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Justify the false ones. (12 points)

1. __T___ Britney Spears became popular in the 2000’s.
2. __T___ Heavy metal started in the 70’s.
3. __T___ Synth pop was music played with synthesisers.
4. __F___ Rock ‘n roll started in the UK.started in the USA.
5. __F___ Indie music appeared in the 80’s. It appeared in the 90's
6. __F___ Psychedelic jackets and jeans appeared in the 70’s. They are from the 60's
7. __T___ Headache treatments in the past were very painful.
8. __T___ In ancient Egypt, people used to tie a ceramic crocodile with herbs for headaches.
9. __F___ Leeches were herbs with chemicals. Animals that suck blood.
10. __F___ The headache is an unusual medical problem. it is very common.
11. __F___ Native Americans used plants which contained a chemical found in leeches. The chemical is found in aspirin.
12. __T___ Medicine men used to make holes in the heads of people to make the headache go away.

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