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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Freshman Classes: Questions on text: What does musical taste say about you?


1.    What does Professor North say about Identity?
He says that people express their identity through the kind of music they listen to.

2.    How many people were interviewed by researchers?
More 36.000 people around the world.

3.    What do Heavy metal fans have in common with Classical music fans?
They are both easy going and creative, but not really outgoing.

4.    Why are some people so passionate about what they listen to?
Because music is very close to their personalities.

5.    What are the stereotypical images of Rockers and Classical music fans.
People think that rocers are rebellious as long as classical music fans are quiet and modest.

6.     Who’s the best music fan according to the research? Why?
The soul fan, because they are creative, confident, outgoing and gentle.

I.              Present Continuous or Present Simple?: Choose the correct form to complete the sentences..


1. (He / eat) Does he eat rice every day?

2. I (work) am working at the moment.

3. (He / come) Does he come to London often?

4. He (play) is playing tennis now.

5. He (not / play) is not playing golf now.

6. They (go) go to a restaurant every Saturday.

7. She (not / go) doesn't go to the cinema very often.

8. You usually (arrive) arrive late.

9. He normally (eat) eats dinner at home.

10. (You / study) Do you study every night?

11. (She / work) Is she working at the moment?

12. I (not / drink) don't drink coffee very often.

13. Julie (sleep) is sleeping now.

14. You (not / like) don't like chocolate.

15. She (not / study) is not studying at the moment.

16. We often (go) go to the cinema.

17. He usually (not / do) doesn't do his homework.

18. We (not / study) don't study every night.

19. (You / like) Do you like spicy food?

20. He (not / go) doesn't go to the park very often.

21. It (rain) rains a lot here.

22. How long (she / stay) does she stay in London every summer?

23. I often (read) read at night.

24. Peter and Jane are having (have) a good time in this party.